Comprehensive Urine Drug Screen

The comprehensive drug screen is a two part assay which screens for up to 700 pharmaceutical and illicit compounds, to give clinicians the broadest information as to drugs present in the patient’s urine.

The initial part of the assay is available STAT, and screens the urine for nine of the most commonly used / abused drugs using EMIT and wet chemistry methodology.

The second part is a gas chromatography / mass spectrometry (GC/MS) screen incorporating Deconvoluting Reporting Software (DRS) which will scan and identify up to 700 compounds.

Comprehensive Urine Drug Screen: Test Code: 4784

Tests for, but is not limited to the following drugs:

Antihistamines: CodeinePhenothiazines*Amphetamine

  • Chlorpheniramine


  • Diphenhydramine

HydrocodoneProcainamide / NAPAEphedrine

  • Doxylamine


  • Promethazine


  • (Ecstasy)*Barbiturate*MethadoneQuinidine/QuininePhenylpropanolamine*BenzodiazepinesMorphine*Salicylates*THC (Marijuana)CarbamazepineOxycodone
    Tricyclic Antidepressants*EthanolPropoxyphene
*AcetaminophenNarcotics/*Opiates*Phencyclidine (PCP)Sympathomimetic Amines:

*A Comprehensive Urine Drug Screen panel ordered STAT will test only for the asterisked drugs above. The remaining drugs are tested and / or confirmed by GC/MS on a routine basis only, Monday – Friday, 8am – 10pm, excluding holidays.